Some way cool tech stuff…
- Run the ASP.NET 2.0 Development Server From Any Folder – “As I blogged about yesterday, I came up with a way to start up the web server that comes with Visual Studio 2005 by right-clicking on the folder you want to serve. Chris Frazier left some great feedback, along with Daniel Fisher.”
- Places to go for ASP.NET 2.0 Membership and Personalization knowledge – an awesome set of links to tutorials and a webcast about the membership and role / personalization stuff in 2.0
- System.Transactions: Implement Your Own Resource Manager – support for generic transactions in all sorts of situations
- Making heads and tails of SQLCLR vs. t-SQL – “Ever since Microsoft first announced that we were adding .NET support to SQL Server via SQLCLR in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, developers and DBAs were thrown into a state of panic. I saw it at events and heard it on webcasts..”
I couldn’t resist sharing this – Microsoft Korea Visual Studio song/video – “My teammate Chris Avis just sent me this link to a promotional video that Microsoft Korea has on their site for the launch of Visual Studio 2005 If anyone can translate this, I invite you to comment with what the words mean… even if you can only translate part. Guesses will also be accepted ๐