…bag lady…




Ok, I am curious… is this story supposed to be as hot as it is? I have no doubt the comments will be f-ing hilarious.

“i was just watching nip/tuck. i usually don’t watch much tv, but it happened to be on so i figured i would watch it. well, the this woman comes in and the younger, sexual doctor asks her “what dont you liek about yourself” and the woman tells him she wants to be beautiful. he then tells her to strip and give him a tube of lipstick to mark the places where she will need lipo. in two seconds he runs out of lipstick and has covered every inch of her body with it. later, they go on a date, and he tells her to slip into something “more comfortable” and that he has something on the bed for her. she looks on the bed, and it’s a paper bag. when she questions this, he says they only way he will have sex with her is if she wears the bag over her face so he doesnt have to look at her.

and she does it.”