Shedding Some Light — Buying Cameras & Electronics




Several friends of ours have recently had unsatisfactory buying experiences.
They all researched the cameras they wanted, and they thought they had adequately investigated the dealers. They saw the full-page ads in major photo magazines, the professionally-designed websites, the high dealer ratings on prominent search-sites. They saw all the trappings of the modern online secure shopping site. They trusted that their credit card companies, the respected magazines, and even the states which are home to the merchants, would help ensure a good transaction. And, of course, the prices were hard to resist. Why were our friends ultimately disappointed?
We took a look at some of the factors and some of the businesses involved, and we offer the information we’ve found to all who are considering purchasing cameras, video equipment and electronics from the comfort of their living rooms and offices.

Shedding Some Light — Buying Cameras & Electronics.