An Image is Worth a Thousand Words in PHP




This article, the first of two parts, describes a fun little project that will help you sharpen your image manipulation skills. The completed application takes an image and converts it to a string of text that resembles the original image. Brian Vaughn gets you started.

Sometimes programming is work, but sometimes… it’s fun.

Today we’re going to work on a fun programming project involving image manipulation. This project will require that PHP be installed with the GD library (available at, or bundled along with PHP 4.3 and later).
The purpose of the program we are about to create is to sharpen up our image-manipulation skills. Some of you may never have worked with images before, but that’s okay. This tutorial is still a good thinking exercise, and it will come in handy if you ever find yourself needing to create or manipulate images using PHP.

An Image is Worth a Thousand Words in PHP.