Now, this is interesting on so many levels…




Sometimes you read something that just kind of amuses you on several levels. Or baffles you. Or both. This is one of those moments. There are two aspects of the story that stuck me…

  • That there is any such thing as looking too young to be a stripper…
  • The idea of Jenna Jameson wanting to be a stripper so badly that she pulled her own braces off with pliers…

God, life is good.

Look at the industry’s biggest star, Jenna Jameson, who appears to control her business life. However in her book she reports that she was raped as a teenager and describes the ways in which men in her life pimped her.

Her desperation for money also comes through when she tried to get a job as a stripper but looked too young — she went into a bathroom and pulled off her braces with pliers.

Radical Left :: Radical Left Feminism: Porn, Like Capitalism Itself, Is All About Exploitation.