Clearing out the clutter…




As I look over my blog, it occurs to me that I am posting more and more “link dumps” to other blogs. These entries are simply small quotations and links to other places on the web I have found of interest, but they have no real added content from me with the exception of a line of comment or two.

The reasons for this rise are many and varied, and most importantly they don’t matter much to most of you. For the few that do, the answer is this – RSS aggregation software is making it trivial to find and re-post pointers for my own future interest to articles and items from all over the web. It is so easy, in fact, that I almost can’t stop.

However all that noise is really clouding things up here on core / dump, which is really intended to be a “what is on Soulhuntre’s mind” kind of gig. To that end, I will be creating a side blog tomorrow for all those links. In essence I will be resurrecting the old “Web/Lint” in blog form.

You are welcome!