Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » Bondage and Patriarchy

Oh, I don’t reject the idea that BDSM should be subject to RF analysis, Charles, it’s just that I’ve found some discussions on the subject difficult to participate or make any headway in. It seemed that the parameters were too restrictive, as I mentioned above. For another eggzample, when I suggested that as human social eccsperience in general involves relationships to power from different perspectives, and one way to take power over that fact itself, and the uncertainty that surrounds it – to incorporate it and deal with it – is to ‘play’ with it, the avenue was cut off before any furthur eccsploration by an accusation that it is patriachal thinking to suggest the inevitability of ‘power’, or ‘power over’ in the first place. Radical feminism wants to create a different reality. I’m thinking, well, ok, but don’t we have to start from where we are now? Can’t we at least eggzamine the question of actual harm vs healthy and harmless processing of a current and just possibly, though maybe not inevitably permanent reality of life? And who knows what other thoughts people might have…?

Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » Bondage and Patriarchy.