This, this is funny…




‘m working on a game where you play a teenage runnaway who has to learn how to survive in the streets.
The game starts you off at a truck stop in the midwest where you have to perform sexual favors for truck drivers for meth and cash. As you progress, you learn more sexual techniques and get more and more hooked on meth.
After you reach a certain level, you’ll be spotted by a guy named Donkey King, who pays you very little and pimps you out on the streets as the two of you travel to the westcoast together.
The money you earn from turning tricks can either go into clothes, your hair, plastic surgery, or more drugs. The drugs will let you turn more tricks per day, but they’ll hurt your health and increase your chances of catching an STD.
Then maybe somewhere in the middle you’ll be offered mini-missions like modeling for an adult magazine, a gig at a bachelor party, a role in a porno, or maybe even a donkey show.
Your life isn’t unlimited though, and after a while you will be paid less and less until eventually you’re doing midget porn/sheisa videos for $8/hr. It’s up to you to check yourself into rehab, get a job at walmart, and get knocked up by your parole officer so that you may have kids to continue a new journey with.
This should give enough variations so that if you regret something you did in the previous life, you can play as your children to choose another direction (such as not doing that donkey show in TJ where you think you caught herpes from).

Slashdot | Review: Dead or Alive 4.