Utopian Hell: Feminism in Games




Feminism isn’t appropriate for the WoW forums. Neither are politics, gblt issues or religion. We’re there to talk about and eventually play a game, not evangelize, politicize or get up on a soap box. This is supposed to be an escape from real life, not a reflection of real life. They are two completely different things.
That doesn’t mean I don’t think that there should be a gay/lesbian guild, or that a group of Christians couldn’t get together and make their own guild. I /do/ mean, however, that I don’t want to hear about it. Certain subjects, when brought up around the average MMO player are sure hot-buttons and just bringing them up is a form of trolling. They will always respond to them, and they will never respond in a fashion that is conducive to positive community outreach.

Utopian Hell: Feminism in Games.