Rampant insanity: “How dare that incubator think she’s a parent?”




God, it must be AWESOME to have nothign else to live for but feeling opressed and put upon. Not only is it easy – but it excuses you from having to make something of your own life.

C heck your state law regarding move aways, divorced moms

Via Trish Wilson in the comments for this post comes another wrinkle in the double standard afforded divorced parents. You know, if dad doesn’t beat the kids, he’s a great parent. Beating the mother doesn’t matter: we all know that doesn’t happen, because men get told not to hit a woman, and besides, we all know that women lie about it anyway. Women are actually automatically assumed to be lying, and it’s not just FRAs and MRAS, but then again, the judiciary is mostly male, white, and conservative, so why would they be different from any other white, male conservative?