Don't look at me…




Ok… now, pay attention to this stuff below. It is a classic example of the sort of weird cognitive dissonance being deeply tied into a victimization worldview breeds. The sort of “doublethink” you really need to maintain to keep all your “they are all against” me stuff in the air.

In particular, you need to simultaneously believe that “the patriarchy” is a group of powerful men who are holding out despite the outrage of “the people” and then later you have to also be able to believe that the whole society is against you and that you are some sort of lone voice.

STORRS — An incident involving three men accused of masturbating over a sleeping University of Connecticut student is sparking calls to change the state’s sexual assault laws.

The men, who are also students at the school, face disorderly conduct and public indecency charges. But they will not be charged with sexual assault because there was no physical contact with the female victim during the September incident, said Elizabeth Leaming, the assistant state’s attorney prosecuting the case.

“It’s a frustration that there is no ability to charge a sex offense for the kind of conduct alleged,” Leaming said Thursday.


“It is demeaning and extremely embarrassing and every bit as violating as a sexual assault,” Papillo said. “It ought to be treated as a sexual assault case, and the penalty ought to be harsh in a case like this. Disorderly just doesn’t cut it. This is in a different league altogether.”

feminist @ 2006-02-04T12:13:00

So now thanks to the insanely stupid and overbroad “sex offender” which hunt like punishment laws we have these days if these crazy people have their way these guys would have to report their whereabouts and be hounded for the rest of their lives for masturbating while looking at a woman. They didn’t rape her. The didn’t murder or beat her. They looked at her.


3 responses to “Don't look at me…”

  1. reader

    You cut that article in a way that left out the most important part. The three guys didn’t just masturbate while looking at her. They took turns ejaculating on her face and body while she slept. So, you’re right…they didn’t rape her, murder her or beat her. They just came in her face, without her consent, as she was unconscious.

  2. I have seen nothign in print that they ejaculated on her. In fact, even the oritinal poster didn’t c,laim that this was somehting from a reputable source. They did say this…

    Edit: Note, It didn’t actually say in this article, but in the television news coverage it did specify that they ejaculated on her face; she woke up to find their semen all over her face.”

    Feel free to provide a useful reference.

  3. Your reference:

    “According to an affidavit cited in the Courant story, Brohinsky and Piscottano returned to the room a short time later and tried to wake the woman up, but could not. The three men then proceeded – according to an affidavit cited in the Courant story – to watch pornography on a computer and take turns ejaculating onto the woman. The affidavit cited by the Courant stated that when she woke up the next day, she felt something and initially thought she drooled on herself. The woman asked Skvirsky what was on her face, and he claimed he didn’t know, according to the affidavit cited in the Courant story. However, the next day Skvirsky sent an instant message to the woman telling her that she had been ejaculated on and that the men had been “really drunk,” according to the affidavit cited in the Courant story. Brohinsky and Piscottano got together and Piscottano wrote a story they all planned on memorizing in case the woman went to the police and they were questioned, and e-mailed the story to the woman hoping that she would believe it and not come forward to the police, according to an affidavit cited in the Courant story.”