Idiots amuse me…

Why am I not shocked that a group of people with arguments as insanely shoddy as this one don’t want to let outside opinions ruin the sound in their little echo chamber? Here is a gem of a reply to this almost sane post:

“I have a hard time relating to your black man example since I’ve never dated ANY man. that’s not because I’m anti-man; it’s because the thought of sleeping with a man disgusts me…it always has.”

So boys and girls… if this chick finds men disgusting thats just how she is made – but if you don’t find some fat Asian chick hot then your a “sizist, racist bigot”. Here is the reply I would have posted, if they weren’t such pussies:

Soulhuntre would have said…

The assumption seems to be that in absence of social pressures that any given human would find any other human equally attractive as any other. And it simply isn’t true. Every species on earth has preferences for sexual partners, some easily linked to survival / health issues and some less eaily linked. It makes no sense to think that humans are outside of this.

Now, obviously social pressures effect this and help shape it – but underneath all that is the simple reality that innate preferences in partners do exist.

Attempting to portray it all as a social construct is just not going to work.


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