Windows Vista (build 5308) initial thoughts…




Windows Vista… and so it begins.

I put in a brand new HD tonight, plugged it into the SATA controller on my MB (that’s 4 IDE controllers, BTW) and fired up the install. I had carefully unplugged all my other drives, so no problems there. Initial thoughts…

  • This is the Feb 2006 CTP – build 5308
  • There were exactly 2 questions to answer to do the install
  • I used the Windows XP driver for my network card
  • I used the beta Vista drivers for my Audigy 2 card

That’s as far as I got. I need to go grab a set of drive rails so I can mount the drive in my case ‘permanently’. I will run a dual boot setup for a while and I also have the option of running VirtualPC in a “dedicated disk” mode and just using Vista inside VPC for a while to get myself all settled in and make sure the software I need is working.

Anyway, off we go to Vista land.