A clear choice – life or hatred of life… radical feminism and its embrace of darkness…





Some people are addicted to the moral freedom they feel from considering themselves victims.

This is the choice facing a girl growing up today:

  • The life hating, angry, society hating radical feminist left who believes she is helpless and abused
  • The life affirming groups who reject hate feminism and feel that it is possible to be strong, independent and attractive… that hating all men and walking around offended every moment is not a requirement of life

The problem This entry has been running around in my mind for weeks now. I have alluded to the basic principle in the past. No doubt I will have more to say on it in the future. I just wanted to get it down for the moment to get it out of my head. The reality if this “victimization addiction” expresses itself in just about any group of course. We see it among groups who feel persecuted by religion and those who feel they live in a world of the godless. We see the natural extreme expression of it in the hate and persecution filled terrorist cells that work daily to destroy any culture or nation they can blame for their troubles. This is not limited to the radical feminist left. On the other hand they are not only stellar examples of this, but very amusing. So they are my most common example. Besides, they find all the best stuff in order to rant against it.

“Despite the fact that the conversation began with one feminist trying to sooth another, they soon worked themselves into a frenzy. The mere repetition of words such as “patriarchal,” phallocentric,” and “male-dominated” has an effect like the one described in George Orwell’s 1984. If you want to see the “two minutes hate” in practice just attend an annual “Take Back the Night” march or The Vagina Monologues.” – quote in context

The radical feminists are building a religion. Like all religions they have recurring themes that to a greater or lesser degree unite their insanity. To challenge these views is to be dismissed as having “internalized the patriarchy”:

  • All oppression in the world stems from the “original oppression” (ie: gender)
  • The “rape culture” supports and encourages men to rape women and refuses to punish them
  • Women are incapable of escaping indoctrination into the patriarchy, and as such each woman must constantly suspect her own thought process
  • Only the victims of discrimination and bias have the right to decide what it actually is, or whether it actually happened
  • Capitalism is part and parcel of keeping women down
  • “Destroying the Earth” is a uniquely male activity and thus in order to save the earth women need to be in charge
  • All media is dedicated to making women feel inferior and objectified
  • There is no inherent concept of gender in humans
  • The female gender in humans is inherently more thoughtful and caring (they see no conflict with the above in this)
  • There is no inherent human criteria for attractiveness, all standards of beauty have been created by the patriarchy
  • All erotica is oppressing and oppression
  • There is no freedom of speech if that speech is offensive (to them). They call being offended being “assaulted”
  • There is a rise in what they now call “raunch culture” which seems to mean anything sexy or provocative that makes them feel bad about themselves
  • While claiming to support the choice of motherhood, any woman who does not pursue a career in favor of beign a wife and mother is betraying all women anywhere

The list goes on and on. But the important thing is to understand is that this concept of feminism has almost no relationship the any common sense concept of feminism. People know this. We know what “feminism” these days is and stands for – and it isn’t equality. This is why when asked a majority of women and girls will not describe themselves as “feminists”. However if you ask them if they believe in equality for women in the eyes of the law, equal pay and so on they all say that yes they do support that. The “third wave” of feminism has a chance at changing all that – so of course they are under constant attack by the radical branches. These days “feminism” is about the misapplication of barely understood “analysis” in order to stay “constantly offended and constantly offensive“. It has become an echo chamber where “feminist thinkers” constantly refer to each others work instead of doing their own and amplify each others bias. This circle jerk of cross attribution makes it seem like scholarship but in effect it’s just a big game of telephone. You see it all the time on their blogs when they ask each other “I know something about this show/picture/statement should bother me, but I don’t know what… help me!”. Like any religion the basic principles involved generally cannot be sustained if you allow logic or reality into things. Rational thought and those inconvenient facts must be keep away whenever possible. In modern feminism  this is accomplished easily:

  • If your analysis makes a factual prediction that isn’t supported, it simply means that the patriarchy is suppressing the evidence or that the data is being “under reported”.
  • Any male who disagrees or challenges your analysis is to be ignored as working to oppress you
  • Any female who disagrees or challenges your analysis is to be ignored as having internalized the patriarchy or is has insufficient ‘feminist consciousness” to see the truth. Accuse them of trying to achieve “power over”

It’s beautiful. Anyone who challenges your ideas is a bad person. Any fact that doesn’t fit has been manipulated. And if your a female and you disagree with the radicals you are brainwashed and / or stupid. Oh, and since non of you can avoid the brainwashing entirely everyone is suspect. Thus they have the holy grail – original sin.

The original sin in radical feminism is not wholeheartedly support radical feminism in place of the evidence of your own senses and your own thoughts. Thus ever female can be made to feel guilty for not being “feminist enough” and helping their oppressors. This will keep them in line.

The solution arises Fortunately there is hope. These people simply cannot control and shape the direction of information flow. The victories (hard won and well deserved) of the true feminists that came before them have set women free very real ways and the internet is helping even more. Many women today and many of the girls growing into womanhood have everything the previous feminist generations wanted for them:

  • Birth control is legal
  • Single motherhood is not a serious social stigma
  • Lesbianism is openly accepted
  • Rape is illegal and heavily prosecuted
  • Sexual harassment on the job is illegal and prosecuted
  • They can vote
  • Access to abortion is effectively unlimited
  • Women hold prominent political positions
  • Women hold prominent business positions and own many companies
  • Strong, independent and successful women are prominently visible in all areas of society and all professions

A young girl growing up today is likely to know women who own houses, hold careers, have children, make a lot of money and / or are involved in politics. They see all around them men who are afraid to interact with them in many different ways for fear of appearing to harass them or act inappropriately. They know that if they raise an accusation against a boss, teacher or male relative that they can destroy lives. It is no longer possible to control these girls thought the fear mongering tactics of radical feminism. They see the world around them and they like it. The radical feminists see this and they hate it and are very confused by it. They see the erosion of the fear and victimization addiction that has allowed them to control their fellow females and granted them in their minds the moral authority to engage in any sort of hate filled extreme action. How can they continue to march into bookstores and deface the books they disagree with without the armor of being “opressed”?

Today we see girls and women who are in charge of their lives, enjoying the freedom that has been won. They are not push over’s and in fact they will slap the shit out of anyone who tried to put women as a gender back into a closet or take away their rights. They are strong, smart, savvy and active – they just lack the fear and hatred that marked the radical feminists. This then is the modern “girl power” feminist. She understands she is free to pursue her own desires and act on her own thoughts and beliefs. She doesn’t have to pretend to not like men so she can be a “political lesbian”.

  • She doesn’t have to pretend she doesn’t like being attractive and sexy.
  • She doesn’t have to pretend that she is offended every time someone compliments her dress or her body.
  • She knows how to enjoy her life and play with the instincts, urges and imagery of herself and the society around her.

 The modern girl understands this simple reality as demonstrated by our girl Kate in the inset image. It is possible to be in charge of your own life and still get a kick out of playing the schoolgirl who isn’t as innocent as she might seem. In other words, group think and denial of reality are out and the radical feminists can’t evolve.


2 responses to “A clear choice – life or hatred of life… radical feminism and its embrace of darkness…”

  1. […] I find it endlessly interesting when the “feminists” fight among themselves. Not only on a basic “wow, these people are crazy” level but because it is a perfect snapshot into what is broken and dishonest about the philosophy in question and it reveals the motivations and hate of it’s champions. And the do fight! It generally boils down to: […]

  2. […] This was originally posted on my personal blog a while back ( March 10th, 2006  ) but recent events brought it back to my mind. It is still […]