Feminist mud wrestling!

 “Poverty is not a mortgage on the labor of others – misfortune is not a mortgage on achievement – failure is not a mortgage on success – suffering is not a claim check, and its relief is not the goal of existence – man is not a sacrificial animal on anyone’s altar nor for anyone’s cause – life is not one huge hospital.” — Ayn Rand, “Apollo 11,” The Objectivist

I find it endlessly interesting when the “feminists” fight among themselves. Not only on a basic “wow, these people are crazy” level but because it is a perfect snapshot into what is broken and dishonest about the philosophy in question and it reveals the motivations and hate of it’s champions. And the do fight! It generally boils down to:

  • I am a better feminist than you
  • You oppress women!
  • You’re a tool of the patriarchy!
  • Your opinions are an assault on my person
  • I am a better feminist than you
  • You don’t hate men enough!
  • You have too much privilege to understand me
  • There you go with your facts!
  • I am a better feminist than you (it comes up a lot)

Now I have “feminists” in quotes up there because I am specifically separating these people from the feminism I see in my everyday life (aside from the nut jobs). The feminists I see every day (my girls, my parents, my relatives, my friends, their girlfriends and so on) believe in equality for women. They want equal pay for equal work. They want protection under the law. They want to vote. They want education. In other words… they want what they actually have, though they know that vigilance is needed and that things can be improved.

In fact the vast majority of the women who don’t have a vested emotional interest in making sure they are “all victim, all the time” can see the world as it is. That equality for women has come a long, long way and that while there are important battles ahead of us these are not the “bad old days”. The full time victims? They can’t stand it.

I mean, what happens when your whole excuse for your own anger is a sham? How do you deal? You don’t… you can’t. You pretend nothing has changed… you chant and march and scream. Most of all you have to put your fingers in your ears and make sure you don’t hear anything that might be a fact.

These people (the extreme radical feminists) are a lot like the people who still cling to all victimization based philosophies. They crave a moral basis for their failure, bad behavior and inability to deal with the world around them. It is absolutely crucial to them that the world be arranged in a vast conspiracy against them. This belief frees them from any constraints or responsibility. Certainly they don’t have to be civil, back up their points or in any way engage in intelligent and reasonable discourse.

For that matter the whole concept of logical, reasonable debate and discourse is just a tool of the patriarchal conspiracy to further keep women down baby! Just listen to the irrefutable justification!

“The issue isn’t whether it’s possible. The issue is whether it should be required. Ginmar’s position is that it’s anti-feminist to insist that women respond to anti-woman statements with anything other than their entirely justified anger, and that it’s effectively misogynist to read for tone rather than for content when the content is misogynist.” – quote in context

In other words, not only is it bad to ask women to not flip and and start screaming instead of acting like adults  it’s actually misogynistic. See how cool that is? There is no disagreement, no shades of grey – you’re either “with ’em” or you have a full on hatred towards all women as a gender.

In fact you can see just about everything you need to about their whole worldview once you see that to them disagreement = assault. The very act of not agreeing with them they consider an act of violence against them. So strong is their drive to group-think and irrationality that it can tolerate no variation of opinion or view. It can only exist when it is unchallenged, thus it builds a rhetorical immune system to expel any invading facts or ideas.

When “the common good” of a society is regarded as something apart from and superior to the individual good of its members, it means that the good of some men takes precedence over the good of others, with those others consigned to the status of sacrificial animals. — Ayn Rand, “What is Capitalism?” Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal

They are, however more than happy to hold all others responsible to their whims and views. Your disagreement is simply one more indication to them that you are the enemy. The basic justification? “The Personal is Political”. What that really means is that you have no right to think, act and exist as you wish even if you aren’t forcing anyone else to do anything – your very existence subjects you to their morality and their judgment.

Altruism states that individuals have a moral obligation to sacrifice themselves for others, that satisfying the desires of other persons should take precedence in an individual’s life. Under this moral code, an individual has no right to his or her own life but exists solely as a servant of others.

When an altruist moral code is applied to politics, it leads to an individual’s enforced servitude to society. On this view, an individual has no inalienable rights, but exists solely to serve the state – Ayn Rand, Anthem

This concept that you are beholden to the society around you and must live for them and not yourself is a classic power grab. By inventing and then co-opting the theoretical moral authority of the masses they become the sole arbiters of what is right and good. This grants them the right to your work, your expression, your body, your mind and your life. They can do this without ever once feeling the need to prove any of it.

Go read this thread and others. Take a good look at the people who do nothing but demand the right to act as they wish, all the while screaming about how downtrodden they are. Look at how they demand the right to judge all others and wander through the world insulting anyone they want while demanding society remove anything that might offend them.

That isn’t feminism. That’s a serious issue with ones emotional state disguised as feminism.

p.s. The mere fact that I quote Rand will be enough to send them into a spasm. Watch and see 🙂