Never see the light of day ๐Ÿ™‚




Oh, by the way… since there probably isn’t a chance in hell my comment will pass moderation over there. here is what I wrote on the thread mentioned below.

Soulhuntre Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 15th, 2006 at 12:16 am

As someone who rarely comments but often follows the threads on many of the higher profile feminist blogs this thread comes as no surprise.

It is impossible to have a reasoned discussion when a number of disruptive people feel priviledged to scream, shout and otherwise try and abuse and silence anyone who doesn’t agree with them. It was common on the old Ms. boards and it is common on the “new wave” of feminist blogging.

Sad for the cause as a whole, but endlessly entertaining and instructive about the core people involved who simply can’t or won’t tolerate any discussion that doesn’t toe the line of their ‘faith’ or version of feminism and the right way to do it.