An inch at a time… saves nine?




You know, of late the parallels between the extreme religious folks and the extreme feminists  have been clearer than ever. At “An Inch at a Time” the evidence is startling.  Go ahead and read some of the recent threads at  Feministe and Pandagon for the latest glimpse at the feminist ideological purity movement.

Here is a quote from AIAAT that shows the craziness of the extreme religious types. Then read the threads above and see how clearly it describes the feminist extreme as well.

“Nope … we’re too busy making windows into men’s souls and bedrooms for that – too busy protecting our precious orthodoxy from the pollution of inclusive language, incarnational theology and (God forbid!) couples who want to commit themselves to Christ and to each other and make a life together.

The rabid insistence on theological uniformity consistently reflected in the polemic of the conservative fringe is yet more evidence that they are indeed committed to keeping the “fight” going rather than seeking a settled compromise. Nothing short of complete capitulation will be enough to keep us in communion with each other.” – quote in context