…every girl should own a whip, and keep it close to hand…

The following quote appeared on a mailing list I subscribe to. I won’t attribute it so as to protect anonymity. Obviously it isn’t a perfect idea but it sure has it’s appeal.

“What do you think of my contention that every girl should own a whip, and keep it close to hand, ready to present to a man in the event that he might want to use it on her. We’d all know where we were then, don’t you think? I suppose one or two incorrigible girls might balk at the idea, but wouldn’t things be more civilised if every girl had a whip by her bed, and every man knew it?”


2 responses to “…every girl should own a whip, and keep it close to hand…”

  1. lallee

    Heh, and there I thought my brother’s expectations were too high when he voiced that his perfect woman should change into a keg of beer and a bunch of friends right after sex. 🙂
    At least the whip thing is actually doable. I’ll have to pass that suggestion to him.


  2. Both my wives have one.