The people you choose to spend your time with define you…




Whew! It’s been a while hasn’t it?

I’m not even going to try and catch you up to date in detail. I just want you to know I haven’t forgotten about you all and I will try not to be such a stranger. That said, here are the high points…

  • I am head of Security for TES Fest ’06 (June 30 – July 3) and the time is coming up fast! It’s going to be a serious monster blow-out. If your anywhere else and your kinky, your missing out.
  • I  will be presenting at NC Edge on Nov 12. If your anywhere near there, check it out!
  • I have been devoting a lot of time to The Production Dojo. Do me a favor and tell all your “indie” media friends about it.

To add to the stress Flagg has been in the hospital for over a week now. Nothing life threatening but obviously it is a source of concern for all of us. He’s doing well and still hopes to attend TES Fest.

It is things like this that bring to me strongly this simple reality:

The people you choose to spend your time with define you.

Don’t waste time on people who can offer you nothing.