You know it's a good day when…




Here it is, 00:50:00 and I am having a good day today. Not because the handle on the drivers seat of our Jeep Liberty came off. Not because I am sore from the Dojo. Not because of Halo 2.

It’s a good day because I am happy to realize how cool my girls are. It only gets better when I look at that sentance.

  • My – denoting ownership
  • Girls – plural

In their own ways each of my girls did something special today.

Kimiko – At the dojo tonight we were full sparring. Standing, take downs and ground submissions. Most of the guys outmass Kimiko by 100 or more lbs. At the end of the night we had one extra guy and we needed a volunteer. Even though she was a bit dispirited Kimiko pulled rank on the others who wanted the fight and stepped up for the extra. It was pretty agressive and very cool.

Tatsumi – On my way home from the dojo I call Tatsumi up and I hear that she is painting. This totally kicks ass. One of the things I love about that girl is her creative side. It’s just very cool to come home and find out my girl has been doing that while I was away.

Anyway, it rocks!
