More thoughts on blogging…




I have been spending a lot of time of late re-organizing my blogging “empire”. I currently blog on social issuespersonal topics, technical consultinggame and  video production as well as alternative lifestyle topics. That’s a lot to keep up on.

Part of the reason to break my blogs out this way has been to allow each one to have a consistent message and tone. I am a multi-faceted buy, so this is easy.

One of the real question is goal… am I trying to become one of the “a-list” blogger’s? If so, what blogs have that goal in mind? It would be interesting for instance to limit Herdwatching to serious political discussions and see if I could break into that world but seriously, where is the fun in that? I am a snarky guy and occasionally among the discussions in the larger topics you just have to make fun of some insane chick with a webcam railing against the patriarchy.

We’ll just have to see how it all shakes out ๐Ÿ™‚