God damn viruses…




Here’s the cycle…

  1. get a flu
  2. miss classes at the Dojo
  3. get massive tooth infection due to the flu
  4. miss more fighting at the Dojo
  5. get first moral extracted due to infection and the ensuing wandering post… it’s ok, the tooth was mostly gone anyway because it never did manage to get a crown after the root canal 5 years ago
  6. take massive anti-biotics, stay in agony
  7. execute_and_return( step 4 )
  8. get second molar extracted, officially become toothless trailer trash
  9. aquire renewed interest in Souther Rock
  10. see Britney Spears pussy… coincidence or inevitable result of step 8?
  11. recover from tooth infection
  12. catch flu
  13. desperately try and avoid step 1
  14. ???
  15. completely fail to profit
[tags]britney spears, naked, pussy, teeth, massive pain, oh god kill me, dojo[/tags]


One response to “God damn viruses…”

  1. Hope you are feeling better, but damn you for forcing me to look up the pictures of brittney spears pussy. which of course led to lindsey lohans pussy, which of course led to Paris hilton (ewww). But one good thing came out of it. I have a better feeling about being naked now that I saw the celebrity vulva shots. Having really not had anyone in my life besides me who was bare (oh except kimi) the only people I have ever seen up close where playmates and they are so airbrushed it alway made me feel like something was wrong with me. I know i know tmi. But again its all your fault( and kimi for being so damn cute naked).