More eloquent than I am…




I spent some time last night bringing Flagg’s main blog back up to spead (I knwo man, I still need to make you a header). Reformatting some HTML, updating the theme and plug-ins, adding comment spam filtering. The usual. As I did it I wound up reading the last few entries again.

It hit me again how easily I get sucked into his writing. On almost any topic… if he decides to do it he can grap an audience by the throat and simply slam his point of view into your head like an ice pick.

Something about it moves me. No doubt about it, that is one talented proto-Dalek. It is really, really good to have him back online.

[tags]flagg, talented, dalek, lick the ramp[/tags]


2 responses to “More eloquent than I am…”

  1. I second that sentiment. I really miss when I don’t see him online. IT was nice to see his last few post where back in his usual “voice”. Thank you to you and everyone else that has kept him together for all of us who are too far away to help.

  2. Proto Dalek?


    You kniwwhem I finally have a missile aimed at the sun and am holding the world hostage for ten million-billion dollars; I might let you hold mr. Bigglesworth, as Booger the Wretch shall be known once The Shaving is complete.

    Thanks for the kind words.

    By the way, the old header you did for me was beautiful.