Behind my back?!?!




I read a LOT of blogs. A lot. Thanks to RSS and the new feed features of IE7 it is pretty easy to skim along and graze a lot of material. Now I do this for a number of reasons both personal and professional (more on that another time).

Anyway because I have so much I read it is easy sometimes to overlook the blogs of people I am close too because I jsut sort of assume I know whats going on with them. I don’t ๐Ÿ™‚

Obviously i knwo the big stuff but they do tend to share some goodness on their blogs that jsut doesn’t come up in our discussions for reasons obvious and subtle. Anyway, good stuff has been happening in the blogs of those close and I didn’t notice.

Make sure you keep up with Kimiko and Tasumi, it’s worth it!

[tags]blogs, blogging, kimiko, tatsumi[/tags]