Casual benevolence…




A long time ago a good friend of mine had a brief experimentation with what might be called “New Age” music. I am not sure how or why. What I do know is that during that time he passed onto me 3 cd’s by Celestial Navigation’s saying essentially “you might like this”.

It might be a stretch to say that those discs changed my life, but then again it might not.

Celestial Navigation’s is a series of short narrations on a wide range of topics. Over the years I have found many of them to be amazingly inspirational and supportive. When I needed to remember what is possible they were there. I have no good way to express it better than that.

  • Listen to “The Wall”.
  • Listen to “Ice Princess”.
  • Listen to “Ice”.
  • Listen to “The Loser”.
  • Listen to “The Winner”.

It turns out that my friends flirtation with Celestial Navigation’s was short lived. I am not sure he ever realized how much that casual gesture has helped me over the years. Then again, I am pretty sure we never really know how much we help each those we are close to or when a casual kindness can have ripples that spread out through years or decades. Celestial Navigation’s is far from the most important thing my friend ever did for me but that certainly doesn’t diminish it’s effects on me.

This comes to mind because tonight on a lark I typed “Celestial Navigation’s” into the Zune music store. In the intervening years they have released four new albums. Thanks to Zune’s all you can eat subscription model they cost me nothing additional to download.

Life is good.

[tags]celestial navigations, music, friends, pack[/tags]