Some updates…




This is just a fast update before I go crash. In the form of a bullet list ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Things at my Dojo are seriously stressful. I’ll elaborate on it at another time and in another venue. Suffice to say that it has become clear to me that my own performance is simply not at acceptable levels and I have no one to fault but myself. I will be correcting this.
  • Work wise things are awesome. I seem to have pulled off a direction transfer and I am not working quite nicely as a professional podcasting consultant. This will have some wide ranging implications.
  • Flagg is online as of yesterday. I hooked him up with a Verizon laptop broadband card and plan on my account. I missed the big freak!

More later.

[tags]lifestyle, flagg, dojo, health[/tags]