Share in my feeding…




posted the links to Ren’s blog, but I’ll post them here.

As some of you know I have been opening up some of the daily intake of RSS for those who are interested to graze. I currently read 228 feeds in 28 categories and share the following feeds..

  • Shared Items (rss) – these are the posts from all my reading I think are worth passing on specifically. I do not always agree with these! Flagging them for your attention is not an endorsement. Sometimes I am pointing and laughing. Your will eventually learn which is which.
  • Feminists Detached (rss) – this is the folder I keep all the flakes in. That’s “detached” as a reflection on their relationship with reality.
  • Feminists Attached (rss) – these are blogs and folks who discuss feminist issues who I think have a pretty good grip on reality.

If you want to try and make a case for moving a particular blog from one folder to the other feel free to do so. If you have suggestions for feeds to add to the list, please do so.

[tags]rss, feeds, sharing[/tags]