Ok Apple – you lose – the iPod Touch looks seriously lame…




I was really excited about the iTouch (which should have been its name). An iPhone without the phone? That would be awesome! And Apple delivered that… sort of… except that Apple then:

  • moved the headphone jack to the least useful place on Earth – the bottom
  • replaced the back with the same “please scratch me” chrome as the iPod
  • replaced that gorgeous LCD of the iPhone with a cheap knock off that according to most reviews would be disappointing even if it wasn’t for a massive manufacturing defect that makes the first batches entirely unusable
  • then went on to rip out the Bluetooth functionality – so no wireless headphones
  • crippled the software almost entirely to insult the consumer – there is no other reason possible… the took out the notepad, made the calendar read only and for an encore pulled out the email application
  • left numerous bugs in the software including many references to the term iPhone
  • ripped out the disk mode – the ability for it to function as a portable disk drive

Yeah yeah, you still get a nice big screen – but I have that on my Zune at a fraction of the cost. If they fix the screen problems and drop the price it might still be worth owning but it is just pathetic how easily Apple could have hit a home run with this but decided to screw over their customers.
