I am part of the Herd ๐Ÿ™‚




I just put up a new episode of “Power In Practice” so go dig it… unless your triggered by the kinky stuff.

[tags]podcast, own horn[/tags]


One response to “I am part of the Herd :)”

  1. Patrick

    Wonderful stuff. I listen to six podcasts, each of which pertain to one or more aspects of bdsm, power dynamics, etc, as well as read many blogs, manifestos, personal diaries and introspections dealing with the same. This podcast is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the most intelligent, well thought out and honestly explained discussion of power dynamic related topics that I have ever heard/read/otherwise been inspired by. While you are correct that it is worth the wait, the only downside is that there aren’t 60 more already posted. Keep these amazingly informative discussions going.
