Hey out there!




Whew! Long time no talk… lets see if I can’t fill you in!

  • Flagg is well on his way to happy transplant status, and it doesn’t even look like they’ll be cutting me open. I am happy about these things.
  • I am in the process of converting Herdwatching to a weekly video podcast, so look for it!
  • I am thoroughly enjoying the hell out my my Zune 2. Microsoft totally pulled it off. I have been listening to a lot more music and watching a lot more podcasts. You can get a feel for what I am watching / playing on my “Zune Card
  • Things are going really well with the girls and I love that.
  • Things go well at the Dojo
  • I have been twittering a LOT so it is often the fastest way to get in touch with me
  • I am close to settling on a design for my arm sleeve. I am considering the left arm and the imagery is a dragon form of the Leviathan


Ok… sleep now!

[tags]tattoo, twitter, updates, zune[/tags]