Hey, where did all the twitter go?




Over the last few weeks I have had the urge to write more here on the blog โ€“ but I am unhappy with the design and it hasnโ€™t really seemed like the right place. In looking at it I realized that the automated Twitter updates were making me feel like my longer posts would get lost.

Hey, I canโ€™t explain how my head works either.

So I created a new blog just for Twitter updates and other lifestreaming style content. That way I can collect it, but keep it off this blog. Feel free to add the RSS for that to your feed tools if you wish.

That is all.


2 responses to “Hey, where did all the twitter go?”

  1. soulhuntre

    Yeah, it does really get tiring after a while to try and keep the designs and so on fresh. At the moment I just want there to be no impediments.

  2. soulhuntre

    Yeah, it does really get tiring after a while to try and keep the designs and so on fresh. At the moment I just want there to be no impediments.