Cell Popping for fun and… well, fun mostly.

You never know when you will run into a brand new twisted hobby.  Yesterday was the first time I head of the practice gaining popularity under the name “cell popping”. Others apparently refer to it as “Devil’s Fire”. The new name comes, so I am told, from the sizzling / popping noise it makes. You can buy kits (that you probably don’t need) and look at some pictures of the results at the page of “Artistic Domme” who is popularizing the practice.

Simply put what you do is the following*…

  1. Heat a needle or other sharp, metal instrument
  2. Use the pointed tip, not the flat or sides, to touch the skin. You do not need to go deep. It will cause a small, round burn. You may hear a pop or sizzle noise.
  3. Reheat.
  4. Repeat often enough to form a design or pattern if desired.

This falls under the heading of “temporary” body modification. Since the metal being used is relatively small it heats up and cools down much faster than most brands would. It has less heat to dump into the surrounding skin and tissue making it somewhat more forgiving than a brand would be as well regarding strike length and so on.

My reading so far (mostly in the “cell popping: group on FetLife) indicates it tends to heal on many without a scar in about 14 days. However as everyone is different do your own experiments before doing a large design!!!

I definitely plan on playing with this. Interestingly, I will be at a fetish club this evening. Hmm….

* note: under no circumstances is this post intended to be a tutorial**! Use your head people!

** note: That being said, you now know about as much as I do, and I’m damn sure going to try it 🙂


One response to “Cell Popping for fun and… well, fun mostly.”

  1. […] also experimented with “cell popping” or micro branding a little. If you look at my flickr you’ll see a few pictures of the marks. They look like bug […]