Flagg Updates




I have gotten a lot of folks who are looking for updates on Flagg and his current condition. Here is what we knowโ€ฆ

  • He has pneumonia in at least one lung
  • The infection does seem to be responding to treatment
  • His spirits seem good
  • He is in an ICU unit right now, it is unknown how long he will stay this time
  • To the best of my knowledge he is not in serious, life threatening danger

Kimiko and I will be up to see him tonight, and I will twitter more info as I get it and update this blog when I can.


3 responses to “Flagg Updates”

  1. bella

    Thank you for the update…I am sure there are many of us not in the inner circles who care greatly.My best to him, you and yours…

  2. hismyrabell

    oh it's so good to hear he's not in serious danger. Not that it can be very much fun as it is.best thoughts for his recovery,m

  3. hismyrabell

    oh it's so good to hear he's not in serious danger. Not that it can be very much fun as it is.best thoughts for his recovery,m