The 3rd (person) world…

Recently on a FetLife thread some folks have got themselves all in a huff about third person speech. They have made a variety of silly argument son the topic and frankly if you actually care go read the thread.

“Apparently it is the end of the world as we know it. It is not only “non-consensual” (apparently this is some form of grammar rape) but it almost certainly makes people’s head hurt. On top of that there is a whole subgroup of humans who seem to have managed to grow up with no ability whatsoever to filter out things in their environment that annoys them. As far as I can tell it’s like being born without the social equivalent of eyelids.

Now that I think about it this is not unique to this subgroup and this topic. For instance there are many humans out there who use the same arguments to try and ban lots of stuff they don’t like. It is a common argument against same sex displays of affection in public for instance (“What they do at home is their own business, but I don’t want to have to see it!”). It was also a huge driving argument behind the 80’s and 90’s “political correctness” silliness. Recently minor variations of the same argument have been used to try and shut down BDSM events at commercial venues and / or shut down many different types of adult media.

Let’s face it, this same inability to filter out things that don’t concern them or deeply involve them is a common one for folks who want to try and impose their preferences on the rest of humanity on topics both large and small.” – me

In the end, it was up to me to propose a solution, and in my recent reply – I did.

“There is hope!

Fortunately, there is a solution. For just $10 (from everyone on fetlife) a month you can sponsor a programmer (me) to cure this horrible online affliction. In just 6 short months I will develop a FireFox plugin that would replace almost all inappropriate third person speech with the first person equivalents.

With this life saving plug-in in place our annoyance sensitive brethren will be free once again to surf the internet without fear of inappropriate pronouns. Isn’t that worth your money? Isn’t that important enough for you to hit paypal?

Until there’s a cure, there’s treatment.” – me



4 responses to “The 3rd (person) world…”

  1. bella

    I seem to forget how much I adore reading you. Thank you!

  2. soulhuntre

    Thanks… I forget how much I enjoy writing 😉

  3. bella

    I seem to forget how much I adore reading you. Thank you!

  4. soulhuntre

    Thanks… I forget how much I enjoy writing 😉