RE: Official Response from the TES Board Regarding Complaint




Here was my response on this Fetlife thread to the official TES response.

I will take this opportunity to say that as a long time TES member I am pleased with how this situation is being handled. One of the responsibilities of an organization like TES is to act as a custodian of the privacy and membership rights of those within it.

Absolutely serious allegations should be addressed in due process, but it is critical that the organization not allow a mere accusation to force it’s hand in denouncing a member or publishing otherwise private information about them. Were that to be the case it would become a full time sport for many to simply accuse those they didn’t like and force a never ending round of condemnation and investigation.

It is critical that process be followed with careful deliberation – never less so than when there is pressure from a howling mob to cut corners and get straight to the lynching.

As someone who lives, educates and plays at the margins of what is accepted in "mainstream" BDSM I have always been please that when someone threatened to "take it to TES" and "get them to blackball me" I was secure int he knowledge that TES as an organization takes disciplinary action very seriously and that it takes a bit more than public pressure to make them act in haste.

Thank you for that.