Mommy? What is “thought crime”?




A friend of mine posted a link on facebook along with a comment about the insanity of book burning. For the most part I agree though I think book burning can be a powerful political statement if you donโ€™t honestly believe you will really suppress the information. The thing is, as usual it seems folsk think this sort of attempted thought suppression is unique to the right when it simply isnโ€™t. Here was my response.

I agree – which is what makes me laugh when folks in the lifestyle try and blackball a speaker they think is "unsafe" for instance.

Of course, all of political correctness is about attempting to control how people think by controlling what they hear and read or what they can say. Hate crime is all about criminalizing thoughts instead of actions.

We live in a society obsessed with controlling our thoughts and punishing us if we think or are even perceived to think the wrong think. Look at the common insults these days – "racist", "homophobic" and so on. These are insults intended to say you are thinking or feeling unacceptable things.

It seems like the nook burning think is an anomaly and that those advocating it are uniquely throwbacks or something – but it isn’t so. They are simply a slightly more visible symptom of a much more pervasive problem.
