Two feet, no waiting…

This is the (redacted) text of an email I sent to the folks I take consulting work for at Robert Half Technologies. I really, really like RHT and anyone who is a developer or media (Design, video whatever) type should hook up with them. Anyway, this is what I let them know about the new me.

Hey Guys,

I wanted to inform you of a change in my status. As of Dec 1 I am no longer accepting development assignments. I will continue my work with _________ as a “grandfather” client, but moving forward code is no longer my primary work product. A little more information can be found on my personal blog ( ) .

I remain in the consulting market, but I am moving my focus to the following areas.

  • Social network integration / marketing
  • Project Management
  • Software Architecture
  • Technology evaluation (choosing the right tools)
  • User Experience design / evaluation
  • Multimedia
  • Search Engine Optimization

My baseline rate remains at $___ an hour, though I understand I will need to be flexible on this as I establish a reputation in these areas. I also understand that more client face time is required for these types of jobs. I am still not available for full time on site, but frequent trips to NYC and DC for meetings is acceptable and I am open to travel both within and without the continental US.

I will be shooting out an updated resume, and am building a new site as a touch point for my efforts in this area. Currently I am transitioning my current independent clients to this arrangement as I build their development teams. Robert Half / Creative Group is the only agency I will be considering work from at this time outside of my own clients.

That all said, money is money and I will entertain work in the software development area I have the best reputation in – high stress, short delivery salvation of projects that are in trouble. For this work, My rate in 2010 will be at a baseline at $___ an hour, higher with significant on-site. I understand that this prices me out of that market for 99.999% of the work – but that’s OK 🙂

Thank you both for all your assistance in 2009 and I hope we all have a great holiday season.

Ken ________

cell: 406-SHUNTRE

Oh look, that bridge is kind of smoldering!