Europe knows best!? Oh and more abuse 🙂

Oh wait, they don’t. Torn by strife, in the grip of a disastrous experiment with socialism and under the boot of violence by Muslim extremists daily Europe is about the last place I expect someone to claim has a good grip on anything at all – let alone ethics.

It is fashionable and common for folks in the BDSM community to claim training “In Europe” or in “The European Style” as if these statements meant anything at all – let alone something good. Honestly if there actually was a universal “European” style of BDSM I can only imagine it would be a stinking mess.

Honestly, does anyone except the kind of art house tools who spend most of their time trying to be more sophisticated than the folks around them still think “Europe” is a guiding light in any area of human endeavor?

Spare me.

My response is here (I fixed the spelling for this post) – it was to the comment that this guy was trained in Europe and felt that he has been a “master” for over 10 years and was trained in Europe! For realz yo!

Response 1…

“@_______ – whether or not the submissives "best interests" are in someone’s mind is not always needed, in many relationships not desired and sure as hell not really the deciding factor in whether something is "abuse" 🙂

Of course, since I have never seen anyone who could explain what this homogenous European BDSM style / ethics is, maybe I just haven’t seen the light yet. Personally, I was under the impression that Europe being a huge place with many, many people might also be varied in its ethics and methods 🙂


On reflection, I followed with…

“To clarify @________ – my attempt is not to attack you personally, but to take to task the implied appeal to authority in your comment. Somehow your being trained "in Europe" is supposed to add weight to your point (or so it seems, you clearly felt the detail was important and relevant).

What I am curious about is what you felt it would add, what you thought it would convey or why it was supposed to strengthen your point. You certainly don’t have to answer at all on this.

