He’s gonna pop like a leech!




As some of you know, I ran out of my blood pressure meds about two weeks ago. Unfortunately the financial situation made getting it refilled something of a hassle*.

In the interim, my BP went back to where it wants to be on its own โ€“ about 185 over 130 or so. They tell me this is a bad thing, so I try and make sure I take my meds on time. In any case, I finally got to the Doctor and she hooked me up with a 30 day supply which should hold me over till I get some $$$ in the house.

Meantime, she took a urine sample which she will send out for tests โ€“ problematic since I think my Amerihealth is currently suspended and thus I will be liable for the full cost. Oh well, you do what you need to do and I have way to much to accomplish to have a stroke right now.

So currently the health is good, and in a day or two the pressure should be back down. Thanks to all of you for your concern!

* no, this would not be any better if I had to beg some government stooge for an appointment