Author: senseiken
Leave (Get Out)
JoJo There I am, cruising the web and blammo, a cute girl in an icon saying “watch my video“. So I did, cause I am a nice guy. The music is catchy, the moves are hot and the girl is pretty cute. Turns out it’s “JoJo” and she is making some waves. “So I research…
Blind mice…
Nothing like the smell of [[wp:socialism]] in the morning. Kos tells the story of some mice. Is your normal class warfare rant, the kind of thing that sways all those people who are so used to being told that they are being “kept down by the man” that they look for a savior. Kos says…
A weekend of internal *clicks*…
Anyway, this weekend really focused some light on my conflicting priorities. I always have been in a tug of war between my desire to put energy into my [[wp:BDSM]] “empire” (training, speaking, writing, vending) and finding a way to make a bit of cash and my desire to put out mainstream entertainment. The thing is,…
Thinkpad, XP!
Feel my pain. Below is the story… and links to the tools and info that led to victory! Tatsumi has a great family, and her Dad gave me a laptop they weren’t using, an old IBM Thinkpad. Good deal, except it had Win98 on it. Ok, I think, I’ll put XP on it…
…or fly planes into towers
[[wp:Zealotry]] is the problem. An awesome article and commentary by Zeyad, a blogger of some interest. of course he was attacked for not blaming all the worlds ills on the USA, but hey what can you do? Here is a quote… “So yes, Islam is the problem here. Poverty, economic conditions, abuse by so called…