Author: senseiken

  • Look your best, drop the noise, check your browser…

    Look your best, drop the noise, check your browser…




    Some cool stuff from around the web, mostly graphics oriented… JPG 2 ASC convert a [[wp:JPEG]] to [[wp:ASCII]] Browser screen captures in any browser, any version, any operating system. Digital Cameras and their noise – Metafilter Neat Image – digital filter to reduce noise in digital camera photos and scanner pictures The Qimage Print Quality…

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  • Exchanging notes…

    Exchanging notes…




    Well, that was an experience. Recently, in the process of self hosting on our [[wp:T-1]] I have been moving the email system to Exchange 2003 Server. I had a few basic hopes for this set up: Outlook Web Access to enable checking email on the road Use the features of Exchange to enable group scheduling,…

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  • Short skirt attack!

    Short skirt attack!




    Not like this… Ok, so if your an anime fan when I say “schoolgirl gang attack!” you get kinda stiff in your nethers. Thoughts of short skirts, high kicks and lots of begging, pain and blood run through your mind. It’s all good. But in the Real World(tm) we have a different problem. The current…

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  • Fright night!

    Fright night!




    Wow, what a great weekend. The [[girl2|girls]] and I wound up going with Flagg and his girls to Six Flags “Fright Fest” and had a great time. Two guys, four girls… life was good. I’ll get into more of what happened in a future entry – I am gonna go watch a movie with Kimiko…

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  • FE4R M3!

    FE4R M3!




    Since I normally don’t care what the proletariat thinks of me, I never really thought about it…. but I am part of at least one “Elite” and I totally dig it. Or, to put this in a way that illustrates my point: 5inCE 1 NORm4LLY don’T c4Re Wh4+ t3H pR0leT4R1@t Think5 0F m3, 1 n3V3r…

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  • From my snail, to your ears…

    From my snail, to your ears…




    Well, who knew? It seems that my [[e2:snail]] (the current incarnation of [[e2:Cthulu]][[[wp:Cthulu|2]]]) has a long previous history in song and story. He has recently been telling me (don’t ask) about “A Very Scary Solstice“. This seems to be a real product that includes, among other things songs titled: Great Old Ones Are Coming To…

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  • Minor update…

    Minor update…




    Hey there. You might not notice, but your browser will. I updated the template here to simplify the [[wp:HTML]]. I got rid of 2-3 levels of tabel nesting. I can’t bring myself to all the ugly hacks that woudl be needed to make it [[wp:CSS]] only at the moment… but this is better for now.…

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  • BANG!





    Lots going on…but right now nothing I can explin in the limited time I actually have! Special shout out to Kimiko – I know “Sir” is a wierd word for you hon (she’ll explain on [[girl2|Arcanum]]) but you have been adapting well. Also, check out my new toy, you can find images on my gallery…

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  • I always suspected as much…

    I always suspected as much…




    “Life… is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You’re stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there’s nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there’s a peanut…

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