Author: senseiken

  • I’d want to have it, to make it, to live it. Do you understand?

    I’d want to have it, to make it, to live it. Do you understand?




    I am currently reading Atlas Shrugged, what some would call [[wp:Ayn Rand]]’s greatest work. There is a lot you’ll be hearing about this book in the future from me… but this one I just wanted to put out there now. “Her eyes were half-closed in the mocking , conscious triumph of being admired, but her…

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  • I’ll kick your ass! and other links…

    I’ll kick your ass! and other links…




    Some links for your amusement ๐Ÿ™‚ ORG A Random Quote From Ayn Rand – “Since time immemorial and pre-industrial, ‘greed’ has been the accusation hurled at the rich by the concrete-bound illiterates who were unable to conceive of the source of wealth or of the motivation of those who produce it.” War Quotes – semi…

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  • My wisdom…

    My wisdom…




    A quick recap… someone asked me in email about one of my posts regarding training and consent, so I figured I’d list the links here. Core Dump: Punishment and Correction The Estate Soulhuntre – Punishment, Correction and Conditioning in the Shaping of Human Tools Core Dump: We’re all just animals… thoughts on non volitional submissive…

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  • No time to chit chat…

    No time to chit chat…




    Hey! Sorry I’ve been scarce of late, giving you mostly the links deal… but the work for client “R” is really kicking my ass. Thats not a bad thing… but I need to make sure I don’t slip on it… I am a little behind where I want to be and this weekend is going to…

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  • Is there a comic in the house?

    Is there a comic in the house?




    Speaking of things happening out there, it looks like there might be some upswing in the market out there… and some folks are trying to make it happen a little faster. Obviously this is of great interest to me. So look at the links below and learn a little something about what’s happening, the concept…

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  • Echo: Like something that happened before, almost…

    Echo: Like something that happened before, almost…




    Things are afoot. There is some weirdness happening among the developers who make magic with weblog syndication formats. I haven’t really had the time to dig into it too heavily because honestly I am pretty busy with other things. It does matter to me though because I will probably hook something like this into my…

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  • Remember the Super Bowl hoax?

    Remember the Super Bowl hoax?




    I came across an essay today, it is in several places on the web so I figure it’s for distribution… I copied it here. The topic is a discussion of various claims made by radical feminism regarding health spending. I have not verified the statistics, but the general information is in line with some others…

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  • RANDom thoughts…

    RANDom thoughts…




    Sometimes you realize that someone, at some time, got it. If it were true that a heavy concentration of industry is destructive to human life, one would find life expectancy declining in the more advanced countries. But it has been rising steadily. Here are the figures on life expectancy in the United States: 1900 –…

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  • Olsen Twins legality…

    Olsen Twins legality…




    349 days, 6 hours, 4 minutes, and 28 seconds until The Olsen Twins are legal. Stay informed with the countdown…See is they are legal in your state…

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