Author: senseiken

  • That creeps me out… quick, fire him!

    It’s been a while, I have some threads work looking at… I will be spacing them into separate posts as I get the time. The Ms. Boards Prof having affair with student – This is a great one. A forum poster sees a professor with a female student and gets bent out of shape. The general…

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  • Custom trucks, random insults and explosions in school…

    Custom trucks, random insults and explosions in school…

    You know the deal, cleaning out my browser 🙂 The Art of Insults – “ specializes in insulting humor. We have random insult generators, the world’s first Autoflamer, the world’s largest database of foreign languages swearing, insulting quotes, an extensive dictionary of offensive slang, jokes, horrorscopes, and thousands of original insults.” PowerLabs High…

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  • Catch up kiddies…

    Catch up kiddies…

    Sheesh! Three whole days with no update – how did you people survive without me? I don’t have much time to update at the moment but here’s your short list: Today I go pick up a check from Client “S” they have owed me for a while. This is an extremely good thing. We managed…

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  • Cool wings, wierd greys and one big, brown eye…

    Cool wings, wierd greys and one big, brown eye…

    Sky Ray Link time! …t.y.p.o.r.g.a.n.i.s.m… – an interesting site about [[wp:typography]] and design. Lesbian Phone Call – I can’t believe I didn’t think of this first. “ delivers you a phone call from a genuine lesbian! For $10 one of our professional lesbians will call anywhere in the US.” FREESKY – Let your Dreams fly…

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  • Off to see the…

    Off to see the…

    Hey all, gonna run out and see Tatsumi for the night. Kimiko is gonna stay her and chill so see if you all can’t manage to keep her busy 🙂 Lots of stuff to comment on happening in the world, but sadly no time for any of it. You’ll just have to wait!

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  • A quick recap…

    A quick recap…

    Hey everyone, some quick items of interest. I went to the dentist and finished up my recent root canal with a “post, core, filling”. I know the filling part but the post/core thing is a mystery in detail. I have officially started the big project for client “R” with super kudos to Tatsumi. I’ll tell…

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  • Playing with dolls…

    Playing with dolls…

    All mine… Some of you may remember that I previously discussed the growing popularity of life size or near life size dolls. As usual, anything even a little twisted here is just the tip of an extremely twisted and cool iceberg in [[wp:Japan]]. There is a growing culture of “love doll” enthusiasts and in addition…

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  • I’m not good at this boy/girl thing :)

    I’m not good at this boy/girl thing 🙂

    Man just kill me. Will I ever be good at this romance stuff? So yesterday was the adoptive anniversary day that Tatsumi and I picked for us… the thing is, I don’t know if I was supposed to recognize that… so being the teddy bear I am I did. That’s a good thing… but it…

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  • Ack… must sleep..

    Ack… must sleep..

    Ok, I have to sleep. If I have bad luck I can sleep for 3 hours. If I have good luck… longer than that. In a BAD world I have to get up at 9:00am to be at client “R” at 10:00. In a GOOD world I can avoid the trip (because it is completley…

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