Author: senseiken

  • Looking back at extremism…

    Looking back at extremism…

    As I was cleaning up some of the old posts I came across some you might have missed… these are on various issues dealing with beauty, porn or radikal feminism. you amuse me – would you calm down, a little? – beauty stuff …in a pretty pink bow – this could be good or oh,…

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  • New category, more eye candy…

    New category, more eye candy…

    Hey all … I have a TON of web models to go through. I was working on a fairly big collective post about it but for now I think that might not be the best way to go about it… so I made a new category in the weblog called “eye candy” and I’ll be…

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  • Bad thoughts in the land of the radikals…

    Bad thoughts in the land of the radikals…

    Hey all! I am cleaning out my browser, so it’s that time again. Here is another thread watch post… we will be looking at some of the more interesting amusing threads at the usual radfem forums. If anyone knows of any similar forums that might be worth keeping an eye on [[let me know]]!

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  • 2003 – a good year for MS…

    2003 – a good year for MS…

    Yummy! Microsoft keeps making all the right moves. The Windows 2000 series kernels have been a huge step forward in stability and speed, with Windows XP keeping the ball rolling and .NET doing good things for developers. Now it looks like Windows Server 2003 is gonna shut the door on Linux for a lot of…

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  • Stopping SPAM, some info and tools…

    Stopping SPAM, some info and tools…

    Tatsumi commented the other day that she was a little disappointed (to say the least) with our current anti-spam software. The stuff we are using now is part of the NIS 2003 Pro software and while it did an OK job (about 60% success) it just wasn’t doing as well as we hoped.

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  • …like marrying a hooker…

    …like marrying a hooker…

    Ok… I just heard something hilarious on Comedy Central, so I want to share. The quote may not be exact, but it’s close. “I just bought a rental car. That’s like marrying a hooker. Everyone’s been in it and you have to ignore the cigarette burns” Oh baby 🙂

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  • Really, really bad erotica… – Nerve’s Bad Erotica Contest The Winners by the Nerve Staff – there just isn’t anything more to say. “His climax came quickly and furiously, his sex sauce sliding down her throat like slimy alien invaders, guiding down her highly sexual esophagus to her creamy stomach. His authoritative hands pushed her away, and pushed…

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  • Buffy rocks, and Dawn is a total babe…

    Buffy rocks, and Dawn is a total babe…

    Well, you know you wanted it. It looks like this is the shooting script for the Buffy Series Finale. Go ahead, check it out and have a read. If I were you I’d download it before it goes away.

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  • It’s like a love fest… without the love.

    It’s like a love fest… without the love.

    Not shy 🙂 I’ve been good. I’ve been polite. I keep my opinions mostly to myself, I don’t call anyone names and I don’t debate the theories no matter how questionable the premises. Really. Of course, that doesn’t keep some folks from flaming me but to be fair some of these people can’t seem to…

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