Author: senseiken

  • Rough Sex and self realization…

    Rough Sex and self realization…

    ed. note: it’s a given any extreme feminists reading this entry will have a cow. Flame away if you want… I don’t care 🙂 Well, later today I get a root canal… and that sucks. 4:00pm for the dentist, then 6:30 or so to my dojo for a night of (I think) workout hell. Hopefully…

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  • And then he pushed me backwards against the wall…

    And then he pushed me backwards against the wall…

    I was going through some music tonight and I thought of this song. I don’t have it on [[wp:MP3]] but I have the CD around someplace so I’ll rip it soon. The reasons I am drawn to the song should be obvious.

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  • You’re on kandid karma…

    You’re on kandid karma…

    Let’s hear it for [[wp:Karma]]! A long time ago Tatsumi and I sort of forgot a few cameras were running during an intimate moment. It was embarrassing. Anyway, one of the witnesses to that little escapade has spent about the last 45 minutes on her audio being “intimate” in both the vanilla and [[wp:BDSM]] sense…

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  • Natz… a good thing.

    Natz… a good thing.

    Meet Natz In the spirit of cam babes … this is Natz. She has a cam. I found some pics. [[Sulis]] found her site. And yes, Natz is 18. Why am I guessing the denizens of a certain message board would hate her? Go Natz. Go. Go Sulis. Go. Thanks 🙂

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  • SARS resources…

    SARS resources…

    [[wp:SARS]] [[wp:genome]] related links: CDC SARS Coronavirus Sequencing – the CDC page on SARS sequencing, variations of the genome available here. GSC – SARS-associated Coronavirus – a list of information as well as links to various downloadable versions of the sequence. – sars – SARS outbreak information and a few places to download the…

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  • Another version of the SARS Genome…

    Another version of the SARS Genome…

    This version of the [[wp::SARS]] [[wp:genome]] comes from the folks at NCBI. I’ve started collecting these 🙂 ed: note – You can get more information here in my resources post.

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  • CSS – the debate rages…

    ed. note: there are a number of links at the bottom of this rant, so go ahead and scroll down to em even if you don’t want to hear me rant. Oh, and if you point a validator at this page I am not responsible for it’s suicide. CSS is a touchy subject among those…

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  • Babeness in Barbie land and servants underfoot…

    Babeness in Barbie land and servants underfoot…

    OK… I have to close down even more browser windows so I can work on some big images for project “F” (the secret project). Someone should donate another 512M memory chip 🙂 Random stuff in the world: BardCode – [[wp:Shakespere]] in [[wp:barcode]]. Twisted and so cool. Manor House. Edwardian Life PBS – a typical day…

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  • The SARS Genome…

    The SARS Genome…

    This is the TOR2 “Finished” SARS genome assembly release 3. A draft version is also available online. Go ahead… go figure out a way to kill it 🙂 ed: note – updated to include the source link. Also, you can get more information here in my resources post.

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