Author: senseiken

  • Into NYC with the girls, path madness…

    Into NYC with the girls, path madness…

    We went into [[wp:NYC]] to drop off some pre-press data for the upcoming TES event called TES Fest. Tatsumi handles a lot of their layout print work and does a great job. Anyway, after the trip with Tatsumi and Kimiko I was too tired to type this in last night so I did it in…

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  • More lint in the ‘net navel

    More lint in the ‘net navel

    A quick whip around the ‘net via what’s hanging out in my browser. salon mwt feature Tasty, not tasteless – a Salon review of the first Charlie’s Angels movie. Pretty funny. Forums – Requiem For A Duck – “It’s a sad thing when an innocent life is dragged deep into despair and misery. Alcohol,…

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  • Welcome SM readers…

    Welcome SM readers…

    This is a short round up of threads from the Ms. Magazine message boards dealing with [[wp:BDSM]] – it’s here as reference for a post on another list dealing with S/M and feminism to show the extreme feminist POV. I urge you to go read the threads yourself, it is an interesting look into the…

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  • You’ve been a fine audience!

    You’ve been a fine audience!

    An audio goodnight and short form daily recap. Do you like these, [[let me know]]! Oh, and if anyone is willing to transcribe them, I’ll do something special for ya 🙂 The hard part is resisting the urge to re-record them over and over to get it “right”. I am trying to keep some of…

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  • Pixies to the left of me…

    Pixies to the left of me…

    Daz3d Rocks! So how cool is this! I am really thinking she will make a great mascot/hostess for Dream-Scapes. Kinda flirty, 3D but with an Anime/Fantasy feeling to her. One of the crucial aspects I like is that she sort of suggests everything Dream Scapes is about – games, graphics, cartoons – telling stories and…

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  • Test “audblog” post.

    Test “audblog” post.

    This is my first post with this tool, using the “trial” so it is short and to the point. Enjoy!   — transcript — Hey everybody! This is Soulhuntre. Just checking out the audblog system. If this is a little fuzzy, it’s because I am using my cell phone. Give me some feedback. Let me…

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  • Bring out your… fish.

    Bring out your… fish.

    Had a good day today – took care of a lot of odds ‘n ends from things I have been putting off and did some work for pay as well. Tatsumi came down for a dentist gig but it turns out the appointment got moved so the three of us (we took Kimiko) went to…

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  • For the primates among us…

    For the primates among us…

    From Fark to ApeChild. On ApeChild we find: Anna Kournikova – nice [[Anna]] gallery (other galleries available) Twin Tracker – an interactive map of the US with information on exactly when the Olsen twins will be legal in your home state. This is a fine addition to the Age of Consent information I certainly hope…

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  • Solidarity… or something…

    Solidarity… or something…

    girlfight! The motivation for my earlier rant about the possible reasons behind the infighting and anger within the extreme feminist community came from the following threads. By the way, introducing our special guest forum “The Feminist Warbird“… think of it as something of a rival sibling to the Ms. boards… though who is the evil…

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