Author: senseiken

  • Don’t ask, don’t tell…

    Don’t ask, don’t tell…

    Let’s round-up some of the privacy tools available, and the various ways you can put them to use. Privacy is goign to become more and more crucial as time goes on and encryption technology is the basis for most emerging technologies. You should get familiar with this stuff now. Depending on how private you want…

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  • Sweet coma has come for me…

    Sweet coma has come for me…

    Ok… sleep now for me. Tatsumi has a cold so it doesn’t look like we will get a chance to get down and see her today but I am sure I will see her this week. Either during the stuff with client “R” or I’ll make it a point to make the trip anyway. We also…

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  • Let’s talk about sex (porn)…

    Let’s talk about sex (porn)…

    hot stuff I’ve been meaning to post about pornography here for a while, but it looks like I’ll be busy for the next week so I am going to simply frame the debate and leave you with some resources. There is a lot of material here to present, and if you want to follow along…

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  • TES Fest… kink makes for a good weekend :)

    TES Fest… kink makes for a good weekend 🙂

    TES Fest In case anyone didn’t know I am fairly active in certain areas of TES, most recently I was on a panel discussing (ok, arguing) the relative merits of [[wp:SSC]] and [[wp:RACK]] in the [[wp:BDSM]] community. It will be no shock to you that I was on the RACK side. It’s pretty hard to…

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  • Money for nuthin’

    Money for nuthin’

    Well, things are looking up on the biz front. Client “R” took the bait and want me to come in for a full workday tomorrow to deal with a code review of some ASP.NET code they had built. It’s nice to know my gamble to dedicate some serious time to learning that stuff paid off…

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  • J & M… “le sigh”

    J & M… “le sigh”

    I am clearly doing something wrong. I should be doing this for a living.

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  • …bowling balls through a hamster…

    …bowling balls through a hamster…

    Recently on a mailing list the topic of bad endings to BDSM relationships came up. I am particularly aware of this issue because of some of the things happening with Flagg these days, so I responded to the topic. Since I can’t reproduce text that isn’t mine, I’ll only be able to put part of…

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  • Insert Peanuts teacher voice here…

    Insert Peanuts teacher voice here…

    ed. note: Updated 03:35:00 04/21/2003 Hey, I like Charles Gatewood! Tatsumi even speaks with him on occasion in her work for TES. Of course, the rad fems dislike him… “That warning page implies that his stuff might be quite explicit. I’m not aware that he does hardcore pornography, just corny bullshit fetish stuff. I don’t…

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  • outta here…

    outta here…

    Off to go see Tatsumi. Be back later 🙂 Seen online: “and hilary clinton supposedly loved it, according to chelsea clinton. my curiousity got the better of me.” Ack. People really DO let Hillary think for them. And another: “Seems to me the twin thing has a little something to do with the need men…

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