Author: senseiken

  • Karma works in odd ways…

    Karma works in odd ways…

    Seriously freaky [[e2:karma]] man. Let me bring you up to date, Tatsumi is working for a mid sized firm, we’ll call them client “R” for the moment. She is a full time “art Director” but what she really is is all around web goddess, design person for their [[wp:CMS]] and running the graphic design department.…

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  • Roy Orbison, wrapped in plastic…

    Roy Orbison, wrapped in plastic…

    Michael Kelly is one of the best reasons to surf the net this year. This is why I love MetaFilter. How could I have known otherwise? Roy Orbison in ‘cling film’ fan fiction? But wait, there’s more! "This is the text of a novel I wrote five years ago. It was rejected by 76 publishers…

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  • The patriarchy slept here…

    The patriarchy slept here…

    Bobbi Jo This MetaFilter thread reminded me I hadn’t been to the gallery of offenders in a while to look at the latest fashion images (if they hate ’em, I’ll probably like ’em). So I fired up the browser… OK, I’m not going to waste a whole lot of time on this, because frankly…

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  • flip a coin…

    flip a coin…

    scenario 1: Things are fine I am on top of my game I am cool I am confident I am constantly improving I have gained control of my life This will lead to my victory in all things I desire scenario 2: I am completely wrong about the situations of my life I am making these…

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  • A galaxy far, far away…

    A galaxy far, far away…

    ed. note: Last post of the night before sleep – but I want to get this out of my head before I lose the thread. This is going to ramble a bit… but I want it here. It’s been in my head for a few weeks and it isn’t going to get any clearer for…

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  • A great whomping pile of crap…

    A great whomping pile of crap…

    pack me tight Well, we got everything the movers needed to move out, and packed into the storage space yesterday and I gotta tell you – it sucked. The movers did all the heavy lifting of course but it still took a lot of work on my part and that of Kimiko to get the…

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  • Some back end experimentation…

    Some back end experimentation…

    I am experimenting with pulling content directly from the database. This means nothing to you as you don’t have any idea what the current architecture of this site is probably but it’s an important first step forward for me. The goal is to continue to use the Movable Type backend for a little while but…

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  • Say something sweet to me…

    Say something sweet to me…

    make contact It’s way past time for me to go to sleep – but I am only now getting tired. I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment obviously but I realized that I was looking to do something before sleep – and that often means I have something to write. So…

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  • Speaking of hating the rich…

    Speaking of hating the rich…

    The folks over at [[Metafilter]] are having a discussion about taxes and apparently how bitter most people are about the fact that some folks have money. I jumped in for a post but I don’t know that it will help – class envy is running pretty rampant. Anyway, my posts are below but you should…

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