Author: senseiken

  • Looking back and other coolness…

    Looking back and other coolness…

    Reneé Nicole Oh, before I go to sleep… On this day in 2002 I posted some links to websites I found and ranted about social obligations. One of the links is down but the other one is still up and the chick is still hot. Orange Lipstick is still there too, and still pretty cute,…

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  • M&Ms, suicide and lesbians…

    M&Ms, suicide and lesbians…

    As you may well know, I am a big fan of Everything2. I use it as one of my reference sources and also as a good place to pull a funny quote or two. Last night I wound up getting involved in a fairly deep node safari. I figured I’d put it up here in…

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  • Night… and ouch!

    Night… and ouch!

    Ok. Make sure you’re not eating and go check out this guy’s ass. Probably not safe for work. Oh, and happy wedding to our good friends David and Kate 🙂 I’m gonna try and sleep… night!

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  • Check in…

    Check in…

    Gonna sleep… Dentist went OK but my face hurts. Bummer. More later.

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  • t.a.t.u u…

    t.a.t.u u…

    i luv music Well, let’s take this one head on … I am a huge [[wp:T.A.T.u.]] fan. This should come as no surprise really – go take a look at them. I mean OK, they aren’t supermodels but they are damn cute and the music isn’t bad at all if you have a sweet tooth…

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  • Looking back…

    Looking back…

    You may have noticed that on the sidebar I have a “on this day in” section. If there is a link there, then I had at least one entry on this date a year ago (or several). Anyway, one year ago today I put up “Castles and Taxis“… on re-reading it now I realize this is why I…

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  • Ancient horror, new Sci-Fi and serious snowflakes…

    Ancient horror, new Sci-Fi and serious snowflakes…

    Ok, I’m getting ready to work on some website stuff and need to clear out some browser windows… so you get them! Of course, they aren’t really windows, they are just tabs… read and all will be revealed. Did you know that [[wp:snowflakes]] are much simpler in the South Pole? All this and more int…

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  • Ripples from Davos…

    Ripples from Davos…

    This is an interesting situation for a number of reasons. It brings up all sorts of issues, from the ultra wealthy to global economics, pithy commentary and how private email spreads itself around the world. All very amusing, and something to think about. More importantly maybe, the spread of this discussion and the original information…

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  • My heart aflame with … poetry?

    My heart aflame with … poetry?

    Since he was talking about love I decided to follow the example of a web page I came across and write some poetry for Flagg. Ok… I had the random poetry generator do it, but I really thought good things when I hit the “generate” button. Olive clouds swirled above Flagg like a flame A…

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