Author: senseiken

  • Surf’s Up!

    Surf’s Up!

    Ok kiddies… time for more links… enjoy ’em! welcome to DOAX NEOTAKU a fan site for DOA Beach Vollyball. The coolest Xbox game ever. Museum of Hoaxes’ journal – what it sounds like 🙂 www.abandoned-places – "Old buildings, abandoned hospitals, industrial palaces overgrown with plants and trees, the remaining walls decorated with graffiti, smashed windows,…

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  • Fear and Jello…

    Fear and Jello…

    If you’ve never heard it, Bill Cosby’s "Chicken Heart" story from Wonderfulnes is one of the most amusing few minutes of comedy ever uttered. Ever. Besides, chickens are inherently funny 🙂 In any case, it turns out that an important part of the story is true. This is totally freaking me out.

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  • Persecution tango…

    Persecution tango…

    Wow, it has been a little while 🙂 While surfing the net on an unrelated topic today I came across a webpage titled "pick up your own damn socks!" as a result of this metafilter thread. needless to say PUYODS is a vicious attack on the male of the species without any reason or objective…

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  • More dust bunnies…

    More dust bunnies…

    More links from my desktop: Willi Hammes – 3D Artist Don’t Save Karyn The Greeking Machine Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Platform – INTEQ – Evaluation Technology – Measurement While Drilling – Unique Features – Official! World’s funniest joke – Oct. 3, 2002

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  • I look like a monkey…

    I look like a monkey…

    I could tease you all. I could tell you that for my birthday this year (I’ll be 36) I had written a big long blog entry about my life and realizations. I could tell you it was on the floppy that went bad this morning…and I would be telling the truth 🙂 But the reality…

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  • Knee Jerk Reactions – reflex discussions redeux…

    Knee Jerk Reactions – reflex discussions redeux…

    Hey there… this entry is parking more draft data from my ongoing discussion/investigation in the interplay of reflex, learning and instinct with an emphasis on BDSM responses. This will eventually be turned into a paper that will show up at The Estate, but feel free to read it in this form. ed. note: You will…

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  • We’re all just animals… thoughts on non volitional submissive response…

    Hey all 🙂 I have a real treat for you. I recently slammed a pretty large post up to a mailing list discussing the results of some further research into my thoughts on training and reflex/response. This information will be the basis for a revision to my now classic(tm) paper: Punishment, Correction and Conditioning in…

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  • A whole lotta Filthy…

    A whole lotta Filthy…

    A fast note, clearing out some more links… On Being the Digital Job – A darkly amusing account of what must have been a very, very bad week.  "So that’s where I stand now. You know that phrase "one thing after another," well I’m going to have it inscribed on my tombstone. If one more…

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  • Everything old… yadda, yadda, yada…

    Everything old… yadda, yadda, yada…

    As you can see, there have been a few changes here. I am in the process of converting from "" only to "The Soulhuntre Network". The first segment of that is this… It’s an easier to load page format, easy to remember and easy to link to. There is much seriously cool vodoo going…

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